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Creative Bundle

2 workbooks - Original and Artisan editions to really fire your creativity.


Save 25% on buying the workbooks individually!


Spark your creativity with two workbooks containing multiple drawing prompts. The workbooks include instructions and suggestions on different ways to use the prompts individually or as a group.

Use creativity prompts as a way to reconnect with your innate creativity, prime yourself to take on a new challenge, or just practice drawing.


You can also use the prompts as a group exercise - see how different people react to the same prompt; warm up for a workshop or just have fun with your friends.


Download the workbooks and either use it on your tablet or print out copies and grab your favourite pen or pencil.

Our creativity prompts help you build your creative muscles. Select your workbook and access the unique prompts. Each workbook comes with instructions and suggestions on different ways to use the prompts, either on your own or with a group.


You can download the workbook and use it on your touch screen device or print it out and use your favourite pen or pencil.
